State Auditor Update (North Carolina Specific)
Date & Time
Thursday, August 11, 2022, 11:50 AM - 12:40 PM

This course provides an update on current issues relevant to local government auditors and finance officials, with some specific to the State of North Carolina.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about current challenges local governments in North Carolina are facing and what the State is doing to help.
- Learn about a new proposed compliance supplement for applicable parts of NC G.S.159
- Learn about ways to ensure that local governments stay in compliance with the rising amounts of grant funding they are administering.
CPE Accreditation
Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 1 CPE, pending approval
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Auditing (Governmental)
Recommended CPE Category | Technical Expertise/Problem Solving
Prerequisites | None
Program Level | Basic
Advanced Preparation | None
Virtual Session Link
Session Type