Finance Function of the Future and the Importance of Cost Allocation
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 8, 2023, 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM
Nicolie Lettini

The finance office needs to change to be more predictive and strategic instead of being reactive. Key to delivering effective services to citizens is understanding the full cost of these services. This course will discuss the importance of identifying and allocating indirect costs and developing Cost Allocation Plans to deliver services successfully.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how the finance function can be more strategic
  • Describe the importance of cost allocation plans
  • Describe the importance of full cost in delivering citizen services

Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 8 hours of CPE, pending approval 
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Finance
CPE Capability | Technical Expertise/Problem-Solving
Prerequisites | None 
Program Level | Basic 
Advanced Preparation | None 

Virtual Session Link