Grants Management Best Practices and Updates for Your 2023 Single Audit
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 9, 2023, 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM
Shuo Zhang Daniel Gougherty

Many state and local governments have received more federal funding in the last three years than any other three-year period. This course will cover how to strengthen your grants management processes within your organization to handle this increase in funding to maximize efficiency and bolster internal controls over compliance. We will then discuss specific changes you can expect for your 2023 Single Audits based on new funding sources and changes in the 2023 compliance supplement.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand changes in the 2023 Compliance Supplement
  • Recognize grants management best practices for governmental entities with increased grants funding Understand changes in the 2023 Compliance Supplement
  • Identify compliance requirements subject to audit for common major programs

Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 8 hours of CPE, pending approval 
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Accounting (Governmental)
CPE Capability | Technical Expertise/Problem-Solving
Prerequisites | None 
Program Level | Basic 
Advanced Preparation | None 

Virtual Session Link