The Art of a Tax Credit Project
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Kathy Herbig Andy Ackermann

The Art of a Tax Credit Project is a session designed to educate attendees on how financial institutions can utilize various federal and state programs to obtain tax credits, specifically the Historic Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Credit programs. It will demonstrate how financial institutions participate in real estate projects over a number of years to earn the various credits. Financial institutions can be great resources for real estate projects, not only lending to projects but also actively investing. The session will walk through some real-life examples from start to finish and the impacts on developers, investors and the overall community.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the federal and state Historic Tax Credit and the federal Low-income Housing Credit
  • Understand the structure of a tax credit investment
  • Learn how to meet the CRA
Session Type