Chief Risk Officer Panel
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Jennifer Stivers Steven Jameson Sam LaFollette Scott Peyton

Though increased volatility in the business and regulatory environment is a strong incentive to mature risk management, many companies do not have well-developed risk management methodologies in place. The Chief Risk Officer Panel will bring together risk leaders of financial institutions to discuss the importance of a comprehensive risk management strategy in today's business environment that develops mitigation plans and monitors risks. The panelists will also discuss how to leverage recent technological advancements to identify potential risks. Additionally, they will highlight the importance of effective communication and leadership within an organization to ensure effective risk management.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about what makes a comprehensive risk management strategy
  • Explore how technology can impact your organization's risk management initiatives
  • Discuss how effective leadership can effect your organization's risk management strategy
Session Type