Net Interest Margin Management: How to Pull Ahead of Your Peers
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 8:40 AM - 9:30 AM
Will Craycraft Todd Taylor

Improving profitability while balancing risk is a goal all top-performing institutions have in common. Evaluating how your institution ranks versus peers today is a key step in achieving long-term outperformance. This presentation will utilize up-to-date peer data for many balance sheet areas and performance metrics, including net interest margin, cost of funds and earning asset yields. Is there opportunity to improve profitability and go from good to great? Is your institution holding significantly more (or less) liquidity relative to the competition?

This interactive session also contains surveys, enabling participants to see how other attendees approach the balance sheet management process. For example, some institutions focus on regulatory appeasement, some focus on setting loan and deposit rates, and others focus on profit improvement. We will examine each of these approaches and discuss how an institution’s balance sheet management philosophy impacts strategies and profitability.

Learning Objectives:     

  • Examine peer analysis on various balance sheet ratios and net interest margin dissection
  • Utilize peer comparison tools to identify opportunities to go from good to great
  • Explore strategies other institutions may be implementing
Session Type