2024 GASB Update and Implementation Roadmap
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

In this session we will discuss recently issued GASB 100-103 as well as other projects GASB is working on. In addition, we will discuss how to build an implementation roadmap for your government that utilizes GASB’s assessed level of effort, industry/entity-specific impact, and availability of government resources.
Learning Objectives:
- Assess how GASB’s 100-103 will impact your government.
- Identify ongoing GASB projects.
- Understand how to build a framework for creating your government’s implementation roadmap
Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 1 hour of CPE, pending approval
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Accounting (Governmental)
CPE Capability | Technical Expertise/Problem-Solving
Prerequisites | None
Program Level | Basic
Advanced Preparation | None
Virtual Session Link