We will learn about some of the financial reporting model improvements prescribed by GASB 103. We will review key concepts that the GASB follows when deciding on financial statement disclosure requirements which may inform how we should look at financial statement notes. We will also look at the most common ACFR preparation mistakes and provide tools and resources to help your government avoid them. We will also share innovative ideas on how to reboot or refresh your ACFR’s clarity and readability.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand issued guidance on financial reporting model improvements.
- Understand the purpose and focus of financial statement notes.
- Understand how to avoid the most common ACFR preparation mistakes
Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 1 hour of CPE, pending approval
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Accounting (Governmental)
CPE Capability | Technical Expertise/Problem-Solving
Prerequisites | None
Program Level | Basic
Advanced Preparation | None