"No Time to Buy" An Economic Update
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This presentation will supply in-depth analysis of the major factors shaping economic outcomes, including elevated inflation, lingering pandemic, worker shortages, war in Europe, rising interest rates, and stepped-up infrastructure spending. It will then turn toward a forecast for the year to come: Is there more growth in our future, or is another recession on the way?
Learning Objectives:
- Identify likely long-term structural shifts impacting key economic segments
- Detail several sources of future economic risk
- Characterize the likely pace of economic recovery in 2022 and beyond
CPE Accreditation:
Delivery Method | Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE Credit | Up to 1 CPE, pending approval
Recommended Field(s) of Study | Economics
Recommended CPE Category | Technical Expertise/Problem Solving
Prerequisites | None
Program Level | Basic
Advanced Preparation | None
Session Type