Agenda & Session Details

Registration, Networking & Breakfast

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Welcome Remarks

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM
Chris Purvis - Cherry Bekaert

Net Interest Margin Management: How to Pull Ahead of Your Peers

8:40 AM - 9:30 AM

Improving profitability while balancing risk is a goal all top-performing institutions have in common. Evaluating how your institution ranks versus peers today is a key step in achieving long-term outperformance. This presentation will utilize up-to-date peer data for many balance sheet areas and performance metrics, including net interest margin, cost of funds and earning asset yields. Is there opportunity to improve profitability and go from good to great? Is your institution holding significantly more (or less) liquidity relative to the competition?

This interactive session also contains surveys, enabling participants to see how other attendees approach the balance sheet management process. For example, some institutions focus on regulatory appeasement, some focus on setting loan and deposit rates, and others focus on profit improvement. We will examine each of these approaches and discuss how an institution’s balance sheet management philosophy impacts strategies and profitability.

Learning Objectives:     

  • Examine peer analysis on various balance sheet ratios and net interest margin dissection
  • Utilize peer comparison tools to identify opportunities to go from good to great
  • Explore strategies other institutions may be implementing
Will Craycraft - HUB International / Taylor Advisors
Todd Taylor - HUB International / Taylor Advisors

The Art of a Tax Credit Project

9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

The Art of a Tax Credit Project is a session designed to educate attendees on how financial institutions can utilize various federal and state programs to obtain tax credits, specifically the Historic Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Credit programs. It will demonstrate how financial institutions participate in real estate projects over a number of years to earn the various credits. Financial institutions can be great resources for real estate projects, not only lending to projects but also actively investing. The session will walk through some real-life examples from start to finish and the impacts on developers, investors and the overall community.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the federal and state Historic Tax Credit and the federal Low-income Housing Credit
  • Understand the structure of a tax credit investment
  • Learn how to meet the CRA
Kathy Herbig - Cherry Bekaert
Andy Ackermann - Cherry Bekaert


10:20 AM - 10:30 AM

Managing Cyber Threats, Compliance Obligations and Risk Mitigation Strategies

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM

In the face of escalating cyber threats and stringent regulatory demands, financial institutions must navigate a complex landscape to safeguard their operations and data. Participants will delve into the latest cyber risks, explore key regulatory requirements, and learn about cutting-edge risk mitigation techniques. Through detailed case studies and best practice examples, this session aims to equip financial leaders with the tools to protect their institutions against cyber-attacks, ensure compliance, and implement robust data security measures. By the end of the session, executives will have a comprehensive understanding of the cybersecurity landscape and be prepared to lead their organizations with confidence and resilience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss essential cybersecurity knowledge and learn of actionable strategies
  • Explore key regulatory requirements and cutting-edge risk mitigation techniques
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the cybersecurity landscape
Steven Ursillo - Cherry Bekaert

Chief Risk Officer Panel

11:20 AM - 12:10 PM

Though increased volatility in the business and regulatory environment is a strong incentive to mature risk management, many companies do not have well-developed risk management methodologies in place. The Chief Risk Officer Panel will bring together risk leaders of financial institutions to discuss the importance of a comprehensive risk management strategy in today's business environment that develops mitigation plans and monitors risks. The panelists will also discuss how to leverage recent technological advancements to identify potential risks. Additionally, they will highlight the importance of effective communication and leadership within an organization to ensure effective risk management.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about what makes a comprehensive risk management strategy
  • Explore how technology can impact your organization's risk management initiatives
  • Discuss how effective leadership can effect your organization's risk management strategy
Jennifer Stivers - Central Bank of Lexington, Kentucky
Steven Jameson - Community Trust Bankcorp, Inc.
Sam LaFollette - Magnolia Bank
Scott Peyton - Cherry Bekaert


12:10 PM - 12:40 PM

The Lifecycle of a Deal

12:40 PM - 1:10 PM

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) sector has become increasingly complex and demanding of fund managers and their portfolio companies. When combining the technicalities of M&A and the regulatory landscape that financial institutions face, leveraging industry experience can amplify your organization’s success. Listen in to this session to learn more about the M&A landscape and how financial institutions typically navigate transactions.

Learning objectives:

  • Uncover recent US banking M&A trends and activity
  • Discuss the various phases of a bank M&A transaction
  • Understand the M&A intricacies and regulatory impacts on banks 
Anna Townsend - Cherry Bekaert

What Every Bank Director and Officer Should Know About Regulatory Compliance

1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Over the last few years, the banking industry has witnessed significant growth and changes in the regulatory landscape. Despite having dedicated in-house compliance teams, keeping up with the expanding and shifting rules and regulations represents a significant challenge. Board members and bank officers aren't required to be experts in every law or regulation, but they should be knowledgeable enough to understand and oversee their financial institution’s own compliance programs. Failures in this regard can lead legal and financial repercussions, potentially harming the institution's and the individual’s reputation and standing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify and describe key regulatory changes and trends affecting the banking sector over the past few years
  • Develop the necessary knowledge to effectively understand and oversee their financial institution's compliance programs, ensuring alignment with current rules and regulations
  • Comprehend the potential legal and financial repercussions of compliance failures, and the impact these can have on the reputation and standing of both the institution and individuals involved
Daniel Spungen - Amundsen Davis
Larry Tomlin - Amundsen Davis


2:00 PM - 2:10 PM

Regulator Panel

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM

As the number and intricacy of technologies and regulations grow and earnings pressure increases, it’s vital for financial institutions to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their risk mitigation programs regularly. Properly established and comprehensively maintained programs can help you control compliance-related expenses, avoid costly remediation activities, and mitigate operational, strategic, and reputational risks. The Regulator Panel will bring together regulatory professionals to emphasize the need for financial institutions to comply with regulatory requirements and to stay informed of any recent updates. They will discuss how effective risk management, including the need to identify, assess, and mitigate risks, bleeds into regulatory compliance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Receive updates on the current regulatory environment
  • Learn how effective risk management can effect regulatory compliance
  • Discuss how to proactively plan for regulatory compliance updates
Chris Purvis - Cherry Bekaert
Victor Osorio - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Charlie Riggs - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Closing Remarks

3:00 PM - 3:05 PM
Chris Purvis - Cherry Bekaert

Churchill Downs Racetrack Walking Tour

3:05 PM - 3:45 PM